********************************************************************** Norton AntiVirus for Windows 3.1 Trial Edition EXPIRE.TXT Copyright (c) 1996 Symantec Corporation November 1996 ********************************************************************** HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ********************************************************************** To view EXPIRE.TXT on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window. To print EXPIRE.TXT in Notepad, choose Print from the File menu. If you use another word processor, select the entire document and format the text in 10-point Courier before printing to ensure proper spacing. To print EXPIRE.TXT from the DOS prompt, type COPY EXPIRE.TXT PRN: and press Enter. ********************************************************************** NORTON ANTIVIRUS TRIAL EDITION EXPIRED ********************************************************************** Your Norton AntiVirus Trial Edition has expired. To maintain your virus protection, please contact your favorite local software supplier, or your Symantec sales representative to purchase the full product. You may purchase online by visiting www.symantec.com. Symantec Customer Service United States/Canada 800-277-3948 Dept D143 European Headquarters (Netherlands) +31 (71) 535 3111 Australia +(61) 2 9850 1000 Brazil +(55) 11 5561 0284 France +33 (1) 42 04 24 46 Germany +49 (211) 9917-162 Italy +39 (2) 550 12266 Japan +(81) 03-3498-1118 Mexico +(52) 5 661 7978 Taiwan +(886) 2 729 9506 Japan +(81) 03-3498-1118 ********************************************************************** UNINSTALLING NORTON ANTIVIRUS TRIAL EDITION ********************************************************************** This EXPIRE.TXT file details the steps to remove your Norton AntiVirus Trial Edition. The instructions assume that Norton AntiVirus is installed in the C:\NAV directory and Windows is installed in the C:\WINDOWS directory. If you specifed different directory locations during installation, substitute the appropriate locations. There are five procedures to follow to remove Norton AntiVirus Trial Edition: * Go to the DOS prompt * Edit AUTOEXEC.BAT (removes the startup scan, NAV from the Path, and the DOS TSR) * Edit CONFIG.SYS (removes the DOS TSR) * Edit WIN.INI (removes the windows TSR) * Delete all NAV files and remove the NAV directory Because you are going to modify your system startup files, make sure you have a floppy boot disk that will start your computer before you begin. You will be able to boot from the floppy disk and try again in the unlikely event that you make a serious error. ********************************************************************** Go to the DOS prompt ********************************************************************** Norton AntiVirus removal must be performed at the DOS prompt. To exit Windows and return to the root directory of your boot drive: 1 If Windows is running, from the Program Manager File menu, choose Exit Windows. 2 Type C: and press Enter. 3 Type CD \ and press Enter. ********************************************************************** Edit AUTOEXEC.BAT ********************************************************************** To edit your AUTOEXEC.BAT file: 1 Type COPY AUTOEXEC.BAT AUTOEXEC.SAF and press Enter. This makes a backup copy of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file, just in case you make an error. 2 Type EDIT AUTOEXEC.BAT and press Enter. This starts the DOS Edit program and displays the contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. 3 Locate and delete the line C:\NAV\NAV C:\ This removes the startup scan. If the line is not found, Norton AntiVirus was not configured to scan at startup. 4 Locate and delete the line PATH C:\NAV;%PATH% This line adds C:\NAV to your system Path. If the line is not found, Norton AntiVirus was not added to the system Path. 5 Locate and delete the line C:\NAV\NAVTSR.EXE This line loads the DOS TSR. If the line is not found, follow the the next procedure, Edit CONFIG.SYS, after you complete this one. 6 If you made changes, press Alt+F to access the File menu and choose Save to save the changes to the file. 7 Press Alt+F to access the File menu and choose Exit to return to the DOS prompt. ********************************************************************** Edit CONFIG.SYS ********************************************************************** Only follow this procedure if the line DEVICE=C:\NAV\NAVTSR.EXE was not found in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file in the previous procedure. To edit your CONFIG.SYS file: 1 Type COPY CONFIG.SYS CONFIG.SAF and press Enter. This makes a backup copy of your CONFIG.SYS file, just in case you make an error. 2 Type EDIT CONFIG.SYS and press Enter. This starts the DOS Edit program and displays the contents of your CONFIG.SYS file. 3 Locate and delete the line DEVICE=C:\NAV\NAVTSR.EXE This is the line that loads the DOS TSR. If the line is not found, your computer was not configured to load it at startup. 4 If you made changes, press Alt+F to access the File menu and choose Save to save the changes to the file. 5 Press Alt+F to access the File menu and choose Exit to return to the DOS prompt. ********************************************************************** Edit WIN.INI ********************************************************************** To edit your WIN.INI file: 1 Type CD \WINDOWS and press Enter to change to your Windows directory. 2 Type COPY WIN.INI WIN.SAF and press Enter. This makes a backup copy of your WIN.INI file, just in case you make an error. 3 Type EDIT WIN.INI and press Enter. This starts the DOS Edit program and displays the contents of your WIN.INI file. 4 Locate the line LOAD=C:\NAV\NAVTSRW.EXE This line loads the Windows TSR. If the line is not found, your computer was not configured to load it when Windows starts. 5 If the entire line is LOAD=C:\NAV\NAVTSRW.EXE, delete it. If the LOAD= line contains other filenames in addition to C:\NAV\NAVTSRW.EXE, only delete C:\NAV\NAVTSRW.EXE 6 If you made changes, press Alt+F to access the File menu and choose Save to save the changes to the file. 7 Press Alt+F to access the File menu and choose Exit to return to the DOS prompt. ********************************************************************** Delete all NAV files ********************************************************************** To remove the Norton AntiVirus Trial Edition files: 1 Type CD \ and press Enter to return to the root directory. 2 Type DELTREE C:\NAV and press Enter. CAUTION: This command deletes all files in the NAV directory and then removes the NAV directory. Make sure that C:\NAV is the directory to which you installed Norton AntiVirus Trial Edition. 3 Press Y when prompted to confirm the deletion. 4 Restart your computer. ********************************************************************** End of EXPIRE.TXT **********************************************************************